
Monday 8 April 2019

🌲❤️The Treasure Hunt Through the Kindness Forest ❤️🌲

PBL - Term 1

This term our Project Based Learning (PBL) has been about kindness and the big question was: How can we build community through our actions?
First, we explored some collaborative activities and discussed how we could include kindness and build a sense of community through our actions at camp. Next, we were organised into groups where we had to unpack the above question. In our groups we considered how we could spread community and kindness through our entire school community. We decided that we would offer something that was free and would make others happy.

We created an action plan and our idea for our action plan was to do a treasure hunt for Kakano with lollies at the end as the treasure

For our final product our group was a treasure hunt for kakano with lollies at the end as the treasure

How did our action build a sense of community in the school? It makes the kakano trust us and believe that we a kind humans and will like to pick us to do activities with them
I contributed by designing posters helping the kakano do the treasure hunt and assured that the people that competed got a lolly and just helped in general

I think the PBL might impact on others by making them happy and growing trust in one another and so the Kakano might choose us in other activities because they trust us

What I learned about working with others was there a main people in a group

The worker (Thrives to make the project perfect) Halfway (Works a normal amount) And The Slacker (The One who slacks of and does a tiny bit)

but if they all work at halfway the’ll finish it much easier but if they are all tired then nothing will get done this in sort of the same with the worker(s) but the worker(s) will get stressed and do to much work and cover up the actual work and the people review it will only see facts and the hard work will be covered by more hard work

 ❓Question Of The Day❓( so what are you Slacker / Halfway / Worker )¡